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 Homework Club 

Homework Club is an after-school program for kids of all ages! Our volunteer team of tutors meet with students in grades k-12 to provide help with homework and tutoring.  This program is completely free and meets during the school year from 3-5 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The 2024 Homework Club term will kick off in mid August- stay tuned for more details!

 Adult Education 

We have many fellowship and study opportunities for adult. Join us for Sunday School at 9:15 am (use the south entrance) as well as a post worship- discussion group that gathers shortly after worship in the Mary Jane Master's room (behind the sanctuary).

 Music & Worship 

The Music Ministry for our church is one of the important ways in which we can experience the message of our Christian Faith. In addition to the opportunities for each musical group to share concerns and be supportive to one another, we are able to provide uplifting music for the worship services based upon the scriptures and theology of our faith.

 Mission  & Matthew 25

We support local, and global ministries here at First Presbyterian Church. We sponsor and support many mission co-workers and mission projects. We believe that going out and making disciples is one of the essential parts of our faith. We are proud to be a Matthew 25 congregation.

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